Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Porn Purveyors Post Piracy PSAs

The porn industry has a serious piracy problem. And its trade association is doing something about it. The Free Speech Coalition has launched an "Anti-Piracy Action Program," which includes use of automated content ID technology from Vobile. And it has posted to YouTube two public service announcements featuring Ron Jeremy and other porn stars speaking about the harm piracy does to their business -- ads not too different from the MPAA spots that had grips, set painters, and other below-the-line workers speaking about the threat to their jobs from illegal downloads. Enjoy:

1 comment:

  1. All dudes who go to adult stores are weirdos. Some are ha, but a lot are just regular men. Men without a good internet connection and the knowledge to use Bittorrents :) I personally haven't bought a 50 dollar porn, as that could afford me like 500 packs of Ramen when it's on sale. You owe it to yourself to go into an adult store at least once in your life, not just a video shop, but one with the toys and all that. They have some outrageous things I wouldn't believe if I hadn't seen with my own eyes.


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